Review Domain Status

The Diagnostics Domains page gives you a status overview of all the domains you manage.

Domain status overview lookup
Domain status overview lookup.
Domain Status Description
Domain List of domains that you manage in your organization.
Approved Senders Displays the number of email messages originating from senders that are approved by the organization. See Senders.
Unapproved Senders Displays the number of email messages originating from senders that are not approved by the organization. See Senders.
Approved / Unapproved Senders - Pass & SPF / DKIM - Pass Displays the percentage of emails that have passed SPF and DKIM for the selected domain.
DMARC Policy Indicates the domain's DMARC record status. DMARC record can be in the following statuses:
  • Red exclamation point indicates there is an error with the DMARC record.
  • Orange exclamation point indicates there is an issue with inconsistent DMARC records and also that you may have more than one record published. Click the DMARC Policy to see the error and the last time the error had occurred.
  • No DMARC record found.
  • The DMARC policy is inherited from the parent domain.
  • The DMARC policy is set to none (monitor).
  • The DMARC policy is set to reject.
  • The DMARC policy is set to quarantine.
  • Indicates DMARC record hosting pending DNS update.
  • DMARC is hosted by Agari.
BIMI Record Indicates the domain's BIMI record status. BIMI record can be in the following statuses :
  • Indicates a valid BIMI record.
  • Indicates no BIMI record found.
  • Red exclamation point indicates there is an error with the BIMI record.
  • Indicates that the Verified Marked Certificate (VMC) linked to the BIMI is valid and enabled.
  • Indicates there is an error in Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) linked to the valid BIMI.
  • Indicates BIMI record hosting pending DNS update.
  • BIMI is hosted by Agari.
SPF Record Indicates the domain's SPF record status. SPF record can be in the following statuses:
  • Indicates a valid SPF record.
  • No SPF record found.
  • Red exclamation point indicates there is an error with the SPF record.
  • Indicates that the saved or in-progress SPF record was created by SPF Analyzer.
  • NOTE: The SPF records created by SPF Analyzer will not be hosted by Agari.
  • Indicates SPF record hosting pending DNS update.
  • SPF is hosted by Agari.
DKIM Keys Indicates the domain's DKIM record status. DKIM record can be in the following statuses:
  • Indicates a valid DKIM record and all DKIM keys are properly configured.
  • No DKIM key found.
  • DKIM keys have severe errors.
  • Indicates DKIM record hosting pending DNS update.
  • DKIM is hosted by Agari.

NOTE: For a quick preview of the records, Click the DMARC, DKIM, BIMI or SPF status icon. Click View Record Details in the preview page to open the selected record details page.

Detailed view of the Domain

Click a Domain to get a detailed view for each domain and its status:

The details page for a domain.
The details page for a domain.

Domain Details shows you a summary of data and characteristics of a domain registered to your organization. You can also edit some characteristics and store notes about the domain.

Domain Setting Description
Is Third Party Is this domain used by a third party sender to send email on your behalf? The domain could be used exclusively by a third party or have a mix of third party traffic. If Agari has automatically detected a third party sender the box will already be checked.
Is Defensive A defensive domain is a domain that is registered but is not used to send any legitimate email. Agari recommends that defensive domains be protected by a DMARC reject policy to prevent abuse. If Agari has automatically detected that a domain is defensive, the box will already be checked. Defensive domains are added to the Defensive Domains system group.
Is Primary A primary domain is a domain that you identify as being a high priority for your project. Top candidates for a primary domain label include high email volume, ones used as brands themselves, or the domains you’d like to focus on first.
Brand Mark Identifier If you are using BIMI and have a Brand Mark Identifier file, displays the file. If you do not, this field is hidden.
Domain Groups A list of the domain groups that this domain belongs to.
Senders A list of the senders that have had activity with this domain recently.
DMARC Indicates the domain's DMARC record hosting status. DMARC records can be either hosted solely within your DNS infrastructure or hosted by Agari's DNS servers. If your DNS servers contain a CNAME entry that points to Agari's DNS servers for this domain, that DMARC record is considered to be hosted at Agari. See Host Your DMARC Records at Agari for details.
SPF Indicates the domain's DMARC record hosting status. SPF records can be either managed solely within your DNS infrastructure or hosted by Agari. If your published SPF record for this domain contains an include referencing "espf.", the domain's SPF record is considered to be hosted at Agari. See Hosted SPF for details.
DKIM Indicates the domain's DKIM record hosting status. DKIM records can be either managed solely within your DNS infrastructure or hosted by Agari. If you publish an NS record that all point to subdomains of "hosted-dkim.", the domain's DKIM record is considered to be hosted at Agari. See Host Your DKIM Records at Agari for details.
BIMI Indicates the domain's BIMI record hosting status. BIMI records can be either managed solely within your DNS infrastructure or hosted by Agari. If you publish an NS record that all point to subdomains of "hosted-bimi.", the domain's BIMI record is considered to be hosted at Agari. See Host Your BIMI Records at Agari for details.
Name Server (NS) The server that hosts DNS records for the domain.
Progress State

A domain's progress state will help you keep track of domains you are currently working on, domains you have completed work on, and domains that need attention. You may set a domain to 'I Am Working On', 'Configuration Completed', or 'Ready To Start' by clicking the star next to the domain name.

NOTE: Use the progress state to affect the state of the Domain Progress Meter of your overall progress on the Status > Protection page:

Configuration Completed

When a domain is fully protected and Agari has detected no remaining issues, it will automatically be marked as 'Configuration Completed' by Agari. You can also mark a domain as 'Configuration Completed' when there is no further work planned to protect it. If you manually mark a domain as 'Configuration Completed', you are acknowledging that the domain has open issues which you have no need or intention to resolve.
I Am Working On Mark a domain 'I Am Working On' if you are working on resolving the issues with this domain in order to get it into a fully protected state. For example, you have submitted a DNS change request to update the SPF record or to change the DMARC policy to reject, and you are waiting for the changes to take effect.
Ready To Start Most domains will begin in this state. There are actions Agari recommends you take in order to fully protect the domain. You can move a domain back to the 'Ready To Start' state from 'I Am Working On' or 'Configuration Completed' by manually changing it's progress state.
Date Added The date the domain was approved in Agari and added to your organization.
Notes A free-form text field where you can store notes about the domain. Simply add or append new text or delete existing text that is no longer relevant.