Ignore an Unapproved IP Address

It is impossible for DMARC Protection to classify IP addresses used to send email that may be part of an organization's sending infrastructure, such as for dedicated mail exchange servers they own and manage to send outbound email. When DMARC Protection recognizes an IP address that it cannot classify and that is not associated with a domain, that IP address is listed in the Unapproved IP Addresses section of the Senders page. For recognized IP addresses in the Unapproved IP addresses section for a given domain that are not determined to be forwarders or suspicious, you can choose not to work on them by adding them to the Ignored list.

  1. Go to Diagnostics > Senders.
  2. Click Single Domain, then select a domain. This list contains all of the domains you manage in DMARC Protection.
  3. Click the Unapproved tab.
  4. Click the name of an unapproved IP address in the Actionable section of Unapproved IP Addresses (you may have to scroll down) to review the information about that IP address to make sure it is one you want to approve. Key things you should verify include:
    • On the IP Information tab, what the hostname for the IP address is, and how many of the sent message are passing DMARC authentication. (A low number for the latter indicates configuration that needs to be done.)
    • On the Domains tab, if the domains in the From header of the messages sent from this IP address are ones you recognize and manage.
  5. Click the browser's Back button.
  6. If you still want to ignore the IP address, click its Ignore link.
  7. Click Add to Ignore List.

See Also