Host Your SPF Records at Agari

  1. Go to Diagnostics > Senders.
  2. Select a single domain to view the approved senders for that domain. If the SPF record for the domain is not already hosted at Agari, the button to the right will read Modify SPF Record. If the SPF record for the domain is already hosted at Agari, the button to the right will read Stop Hosting, and you will not be able to continue.
  3. Click Modify SPF Record > Host SPF Record @ Agari.
  4. A reminder informs you that Agari will include all Approved Senders for the selected domain:

  5. Click Continue to begin hosting the SPF Record for the domain.

You will see a screen of instructions to follow to complete the process.

NOTE: The apex / parent domain for our Hosted SPF records has changed from to Existing SPF records using will continue to work and can be updated to use the new domain.
Example: is now

Hosted SPF Instructions.
Hosted SPF Instructions.

NOTE: You must take action for the SPF record to be used. You need to update your DNS to “point” to Agari (redirect) for SPF evaluation.

After you select to host an SPF record with Agari, the status is reflected in the Diagnostics > Domains pages:

Hosting Pending DNS Update.
Hosting Pending DNS Update.