Publish the DMARC Record in DNS

Now that you have a properly formatted DMARC record for your domain, you will need to update your DNS record for the domain.

The exact steps to get your DMARC record published will vary based on how the DNS for your domain is managed. However you submit requests for DNS changes, you will need to request that this DMARC record be published as a TXT resource record. The record must be published at the sub-domain created by prepending '_dmarc' as indicated in the DNS Record Location section listed in Create a DMARC Record With DMARC Builder. Be sure to include the full DMARC record, including everything within the quotes (but not the quotes themselves). There should be no line-wraps, newlines, or whitespace other than the spaces explicitly shown within the record below.


  • If you have direct access to manage DNS for your domain through an online DNS administration tool, look for a section to publish a TXT record or a section specific to DMARC records.
  • If you have access to manage DNS for your domain through a web hosting online administrative interface, look for DNS Settings and a place to enter a TXT record or a DMARC record.
  • If your company manages its DNS internally you may need to submit a request to publish the DNS record through your company's DNS management team.
  • If a third party hosts DNS for your domain you may need to submit a ticket with them to update the domain's DNS settings.


Once you have published your DMARC record with your DNS provider, it may take up to 24-48 hours for the changes to appear within DMARC Protection.