Implementing DMARC

This section will walk you through the process of implementing DMARC at your organization.

The Overall Process

Agari is the leader in helping customers implement DMARC and email authentication.

At the highest level, the process involves these five phases:

The phases of implementing DMARC.
The phases of implementing DMARC

Agari’s best practices for authenticating email from all of your domains using Agari DMARC Protection will typically comprise the specific steps in the following table:

The overall process for Implementing Agari DMARC Protection
Phase Step
Phase 1 1. Obtain access to DMARC Protection and receive introductory training from Agari
2. Publish DMARC record(s) at Monitor
3. Add domains to portal
Phase 2 4. Monitor traffic
5. Identify Target Domains
6. Identity and classify all Senders (Well-known and Custom)
7. Create a spreadsheet to track all third-party Senders
Phase 3 8. Propose new SPF Record
9. Publish new SPF Record
10. Identify internal business owners
11. Request DKIM signing from third-party owners
12. Implement DKIM keys for all third-party senders
13. Verify DKIM working for all third-party senders
14. Enable DKIM signing on email gateway
15. Verify DKIM working on email gateway
Phase 4 16. Obtain sign-off from all business owners
17. Move DMARC record(s) to Reject (work with Agari for final review)
Phase 5 18. Review Alerts and Reports

NOTE: You can think about steps 2 and steps 4-18 as a repeatable process for each of the domains in your organization you plan to protect.

Some domains can move through this process quickly — for example defensive or internal domains which you own but never plan to use to send any legitimate email.

Other domains — for example, your primary domain, or a domain with extremely high volume — will require you to move through each step in the process methodically and communicating changes to stakeholders as appropriate.

The following chapters provides assistance for understanding and completing each step, especially with supporting data available in Agari DMARC Protection.


When you log into Agari DMARC Protection you see the dashboard configuration page, which displays:

  • Domain Progress Meter  Displays the status of configuration of your domains.

  • To-Dos Agari DMARC Protection lists recommended tasks and actions to be completed based on your DMARC deployment status. There is no manual dismissal of To-Dos, which appear automatically and are recalculated daily based on tasks you've completed.

  • Alerts Alerts that are available for you to subscribe to. For more information see Alerts
