Email Traffic Report Settings

This topic describes the settings you can define for viewing all of the different email traffic reports. Once you define a view, you can use it when you Share an Email Traffic Report or Schedule an Email Traffic Report an email traffic report.

Setting Description
Select Domains

Determines which domains are in the report. Select from:

  • Domain Group (default), then select a System Domain Group (Active Domains is the default) or a Custom Domain Group (a domain group you created).
  • Single Domain, then select one of the domains you monitor.
View Messages From

Determines the time period of the report. Select from:

  • Most Recent (default), then enter a number of days back from when the report will be generated. (14 is the default.)
  • Date Range, then select a start and end date.

Reports cannot cover a range longer than 428 days. That means you cannot enter a number larger than 428 in the Most Recent field nor select Date Range dates that are farther than 428 days apart.

Message Grouping* Defines how report data is grouped: daily (default), weekly (available if a report range is 30 days or longer), or monthly (available if a report range is 90 days or longer). The grouping will apply to both the graph and the table below the graph. Grouping (or not grouping) data gives you insight at different levels and at granularity useful for the report time period. For example, for an annual report, grouping data into weekly or monthly chunks could give you a better view of any yearly trends than a daily view.
Message Origin

Allows you to filter the messages in the report by several origin characteristics. Select from:

  • Default (default): The sources, forwarders, and IP addresses/CIDRs defined as default in the Custom setting.
  • Custom: Select one of the following custom filters:
Filter Description
Specific Sources (default)

Limits the report to specific sources. Select from: 

  • From All Sources (default): The report will include all messages.
  • From Inside My Sender Inventory: The report will include all messages from sources in your sender inventory (default) or messages from a single sender from the list of senders in your sender inventory.
  • From Outside My Sender Inventory: The report will include all messages from sources outside your sender inventory (default) or messages from a single sender from the list of senders outside your sender inventory.

You can also select to exclude Known Forwarder IP Addresses from the report.

Known Forwarders Limits the report to only messages from Known Forwarder IP addresses.
Specific IP/CIDR Range Limits the report to only messages from specific IP addresses, IP address ranges, or CIDRs. Enter one or more, separated by commas.

* The Message Grouping setting is available only for the following reports:

  • What does my DMARC trend look like?
  • What's happening to messages failing DMARC?
  • Which messages pass DMARC with SPF & DKIM?
  • How much email using my domains is legitimate?
  • Are any legitimate messages being rejected?
  • How much spoofed email am I blocking?