Single Sign-On (SSO)

DMARC Protection now includes the ability for you to enable a Single Sign-On (“SSO”) mechanism for authenticating users in your organization via the SAML 2.0 protocol.

With Single Sign-On, you can:

  • Create a “one-click” login experience. You can bind your existing corporate login identities (accounts) to the DMARC Protection username, which eliminates the need for a separate DMARC Protection password.
  • Revoke user access centrally. When an employee leaves the company, you can remove DMARC Protection access within the SSO provider rather than within DMARC Protection separately.
  • Provide optional secondary authentication. You can allow specific users (for example, contractors not available in your identity provider system) to authenticate exclusively with the credentials stored in DMARC Protection (which effectively bypasses the single sign-on mechanism). You can also allow specific users to authenticate with the credentials stored in DMARC Protection only in the event when the SSO identity service fails (for example, during outages).