Audit Trail

DMARC Protection creates a thorough and detailed audit trail to document and authenticate all activity in an organization. All activity is listed in reverse chronological order on the Audit the activity log pages for both your organization and each user in your organization. The list uses icons to categorize the type of activity.

Icon Activity Category
Indicates that a user signed in, either of DMARC Protection itself or an organization in DMARC Protection.
Indicates that a user signed out, either of DMARC Protection itself or an organization in DMARC Protection.
Indicates that a user created, edited, or deleted a user account, or that the system performed a task.
Indicates that a create, edit, delete, or other action was performed on a domain by either a DMARC Protection user or by or on the system managing the domain. When available, information about those actions will also be listed. For example, when a domain's name servers change, both the previous and new name servers will be included in the audit log.
Indicates that a user created, edited, deleted, or performed other actions on a sender.
Indicates that a user created a report request.
Indicates that a user created, edited, deleted, or performed other actions on a domain group.
Indicates that your Sender inventory has been changed.
Indicates that a user performed an organization-level activity, such as accepting the AgariEnd-User License Agreement (EULA) or changing organization settings.