Manage Senders

Go to Manage >Senders to get a view of the Well Known Senders for your domains. The page will be filtered to your highest volume internal domain and show you today's data by default.

To change the domain you are viewing you can click on the up/down arrow next to the domain name.

NOTE: Any domain you have tagged as "internal" on the Analyze > Domains page will appear in the domain list here.

The page will also be set to view Senders by default, as seen in the image below. To view IP addresses that are not assigned to a well known sender, click the Unassigned IP Addresses tab.

The Senders page
The Senders page

Column Meanings and Usage

Sender: The name/logo of the Well Known Sender. Clicking on the sender will drill down a level and show you message counts from individual IPs.

Inbound - Messages: The number of messages seen from this domain/sender combination in the time period specified.

Inbound- IP addresses: The number of IP Addresses seen sending those messages from this domain/sender combination in the time period specified.

Authenticity - Score: This is the average global authenticity score from sender modeling for this sender/domain combination.

NOTE: The Authenticity Score displayed here is an average for all messages from all IPs associated with this sender/domain combination seen across the system for the entire time period. Therefore, as you drill down into any specific message it is normal and expected that there are variations in the authenticity score on a single message.

Authenticity - Reason: How we determine the authenticity score.

Manual means the sender was manually approved or denied. The average authenticity will not immediately change upon approval or denial of a Sender or IP address, but new messages from that sender/domain or IP/domain combination will begin receiving either a 1.0 authenticity if approved or a 0 authenticity score if denied within minutes of the change.

Model means that the scored was calculated based on Cloud Email Protection's sender modeling.

Authenticated means the most of the messages seen from that sender/domain combination are passing the authentications standards with full DMARC alignment.

Action: These are the actions you can take to Approve or Deny a sender or to Undo a previous approval or denial.

Undo will revert a sender to a state where it is modeled by Cloud Email Protection’s sender modeling. You may undo an approval or denial at any point in time.

Approve will explicitly approve a sender for that domain, ensuring that future messages from that sender will be considered authentic by Cloud Email Protection.

Deny will explicitly deny a sender for that domain, ensuring that future messages from that sender will be considered inauthentic by Cloud Email Protection.